
Bumbling buzzing bee



3 Years
11-23-2017, 12:37 PM

The vixen stalked through the snow silently, she didn’t know why she had come back all the way up this way. Maybe she had hoped to run into her uncle again, her grief having turned to a seething roiling anger and a part of her wanted, needed, someone to pay for it. Instead of Raphael though a different scent reached her. Mammon curled her lips up as the familiar stench assaulted her senses. Still a part of her was glad to know he was alright and had finally joined them. A small part of her feared she’d find her brother’s corpse among the snow, but no she had never known a wolf to smell worse than a corpse aside from her brother so there was no denying he still had to be alive.

The scent of blood and a fresh kill also reached her but it was coming from a slightly different direction than her brother and she casually wondered if her brother had just had his fill- 

"So fucking hungry..... I could eat a whole buffalo right now...." Came a familiar whine and the girl rolled her eyes. Mammon approached her brother, not for the first time thinking how pathetic he truly was. “Then get your fat ass up.” She snapped, nudging her brother’s rotund form with a forepaw. “Someone else just made a kill not far from here, but you’ll only be able to filch it if you stop being such a baby.” 

She then moved away from her brother, both to help clear his frankly disgusting scent from her nose but also to see if could tell where the blood smell from earlier had come from. A tree on the edge of the lake, further down it’s shore it seemed. She couldn’t make out any figures but that seemed a likely place. “You got enough energy to drag yourself to that tree over there?” She called back over her shoulder. “Leaving the talking to me, all you gotta do is be your normal hungry, pathetic self.”

The girl began a slow, trudging walk towards the tree. She paused for a second and looking back at her brother managed a small smile. “I did miss you Bee… It’s nice to know you’re alive.” That would be the only nicety he’d get out of her right now though as she placed a desperate expression on her face and continued her strained walk towards the tree. 

Sweet nothings & Dangerous Thoughts

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]