
Glaciem Meeting



07-03-2013, 06:34 AM


So, the male held up the name as some tomfool right to rule and the female chose to be completely severed from it? Whatever. Perhaps it was just the irony that stung. Cairo's blood taking over Glaciem. Or Glaciem's name anyway.

Crusade flicked a look at Midnight, grateful, and strong. This was a different she-wolf than the one who had come limping upon the borders. Midnight was able to make her own decisions, and this was one to be approved of. Crusade appreciated her help with the young ones, but the old Timber cross tarried just long enough on the tree lined edges to see what would become of the others.

Awaken popped back up near her and started spouting out plans. Sound enough, perhaps, but Crusade was still fearful his head might be on a little too tight. "The pack cave is where I'm going, anyway. Those that choose to come with me will have things they wish to discuss before we settle on a next move. Do not get ahead of yourself, Awaken," she added gently. She wagged her tail to the side, to let it brush the younger wolf's tense pelt; the lupine equivalent of an elbow nudge. She might have said more to the gung-ho male, but then came Eria. Poor thing was a new member of Glaciem and now she had to see all of this descend upon what she'd hoped would be a stable family.

And yet the truth was, this wasn't that bad. Crusade had seen bands of wolves have to go through things alot tougher. Glaciem itself had gone through things alot tougher. So long as they remained calm and stuck together, they'd come out just right.

"Easy, Eria, easy," the old she-wolf said quietly. She shifted over to bring her gaze closer to her fae?s. Her ears cupped forward and a paw went on to rest beside one of the dark pelted girl?s. "These two are claiming a new land. We still have our home. Nothing else has changed. We go back to our cave and we decide what we do next, that?s all. We still have allies that would be happy to give us a home, but from the looks of, we?re going to have enough numbers in our group to stand on our own if need be."

But Crusade?s gaze was drawn sharply back to the pack meeting as another dear, familiar voice spoke up. Maka?. Maka was unsure? Her eyes narrowed, not in anything like frustration, but in confusion. She took a few steps back towards the clearing. Maka wasn?t a baby anymore, and lately it seemed that that wandering spirit of hers had gotten the better of her and she had been seen less and less. But she was still Crusade?s girl and it would break her heart to see her trust herself into the care of such strangers. Did a name mean so much to her?

Well, in the end, with reluctance she came. And when she stood by Crusade the old wolf made as if to speak, and then closed her jaws. She knew when her words were useless; she knew when time was the only cure. At least Keki was on board, and bringing all her pups. They had the makings of a clan already.

So far there was only one to say she was staying behind. Eren, Whom Crusade only knew from seeing around and being told things by her brother. She was the newest of the pack, so perhaps that explained things? but then, Gargoyle had killed for her. Obviously from her words, this wasn?t about loyalty, it was just about finding a place where she felt she could fit in. Fair enough. Though, Crusade couldn?t help a shiver as she wondered what about these two creatures struck her as people she wanted to follow.

Crusade?s group was gathered, and though she lead her?s and Gargoyle?s pups a little further away, she kept one ear back on the proceedings to see if anyone else who had shown would voice an opinion.
