
Morning romp amongst the grass


07-03-2013, 07:09 AM

It was possibly an hour or so after sunrise when movement disturbed the tall grasses, the overcast but warm day making many an animal hide. However a dark chocolate femme threaded her way through the tall emerald grass, a slight breeze making the plants whisper sweet nothings in her ears. Sollei wasn't one to be fussy about where she laid down in the mornings, she was just happy to find a warm spot anywhere. But if there was a small clearing or a stream that ran through these grasses then she could relax there for a bit. The grass stroked her flanks gently as she passed through it, her golden yellow optics picking up a change in the grass up ahead however.

She kept going only stopping when she came to quite a large area where the grass had been flattened down, most likely by some sort of herd of prey animal.The she-wolf yawned widely, her teeth snapping shut afterwards as she stretched a little. Her tail wiggled as she worked a kink or two from her back, the two year old blinking before circling around the area once to make sure it was safe. With no immediate danger showing itself to her, she licked her maw and set about finding the most comfortable patch of flattened grass to nap on.

She found it close to where she'd come in, instinctively she circled once....twice....and then a third time before laying down. Don't misunderstand, Sollei wasn't the lazy type at all. She just hadn't had a very good sleep the previous night, having had a bit of a scare because she found a snake curled up in her temporary den. Rather than being bitten, she chose to abandon that den and go in search of a newer one. Of course....she hadn't found one until the moon was kissing the middle of the sky, so she was quite sleepy. However before she could get any deeper into sleep, she heard the rustling of an approaching large animal.

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