
tell the world I'm coming home



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-24-2017, 09:34 PM
Angelus remained rooted in place as the writhing cloud of mutants drew nearer. He'd never seen anything like it before, but he knew it was bad news. They reminded him of a wake of vultures he'd seen once. The scavenger birds had whipped themselves into a frenzy over a carcass; whooping and shrieking as they tore at the body and each other. Those birds had been harmless, but these? He wasn't so quick to dismiss them.

The woman seemed to share his misgivings. If the sea called to the woman and the freaky seabirds fell under the domain of 'sea', and they made her nervous, well that wasn't a good sign, now was it? "Maybe we should let them have this section of the beach," he said softly so as not to whip the flock up further.

But it was too late for that. Everything seemed to happen at once. One bird let out a shriek that seemed to grab the attention of the flock and direct it towards them. And just like that all hell broke loose.

Without thinking Angelus lunged for the bird that attempted to claw the woman's eyes out. He caught it in his jaws and crushed it, but before he could spit it out the titan was mobbed. It seemed as those birds were coming at him from every direction. Without fear for their own well being some slammed into him full force while others took passing swings at him with their talons. Every which way he turned there were wings beating, claws grabbing and beaks gouging. He snapped and he snapped, constantly biting and spitting out mangled birds and mouthfuls of feathers, but his efforts appeared to be in vain. More birds kept coming. He couldn't see the woman, but if she was still there she couldn't be faring much better.

All the while choking on feathers and blood, he managed to shout, "Run!"