



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-24-2017, 09:58 PM

Kai, surprisingly enough for a wolf of Finnvi blood, hadn't spent much time in the north. His father had spent a few years away from the sort of terrain that their people were usually most comfortable in, exploring the sights that Boreas had to offer while meeting as many wolves there as he possibly could. It'd been awhile since he'd seen his dad now, and despite having never truly gone to the north for anything but brief visits, he felt drawn there - like an invisible string was stuck somewhere deep in his soul and pulling him north. The urge came not long after he saw the first snowfall, relatively mild where he'd been wandering in the east, but slowly growing in intensity as he traveled further north.

It was somewhat unsettling that he'd never even seen a reindeer. It made his heart long for his family's homelands, the ones that Kanja had spoken of; it made him feel strangely restless. Reindeer were almost mythical creatures to him, larger-than-life animals that only existed in stories  - he knew how real they were, but it was hard to really wrap his mind around their existence despite having seen similar creatures. It seemed fitting that he ought to at least encounter them though, and while he'd hoped he'd find his father by now to see if he would accompany him, he had resigned himself to a solo journey.

The cold seeping into his core, as he traveled further to the north, was refreshing rather than daunting. Kai was thankful for his family's genetics even more now, knowing he might not fare so well here without his heavy build and thick coat. The snow underpaw made him feel even more invigorated and determined. Kai had learned enough about the herd to know where to find them during each season - to vaguely know their scent as well as their footprints, provided snow hadn't covered them. He'd been taught how they moved and which plants they fed on, so when he saw the dense pine forest he found himself heading there by instinct alone.

He felt a surge of excitement as soon as he caught a strong scent of the reindeer tracks, his posture stiffening as he slid closer to the ground. They were far enough away that he wouldn't startle them, but he wanted to be extra cautious; he had no intent on doing anything but observing them today. But the scent of another touched his nose, surprising him. Who else would be wandering these forests? It'd been miles since he'd come across the trail of another wolf. His ears perked, sniffing at the earth curiously as he headed toward the source of the scent.

Even from a far distance, he caught the male's familiar dark grey coat, deep crimson markings touching the stranger's neck and face. His eyes widened with obvious interest, his pace increasing, though he resisted the urge to bark out a greeting. He was quiet as he approached, though made sure that the sound of his paws was loud enough to signal his greeting - the herd was not far away at all, judging by their increasing scent, but could he have been so lucky to find another family member? Perhaps it was meant to be, however crazy of a coincidence it was. A wide grin settled on his features as he closed the distance between him and Mikkal. "Hyvää päivää, he called out quietly, nodding in eager greeting, and hoping he wasn't mistaken in who this might be. Kai had never met another wolf who bore similar features and wasn't a Jarvela, so he hoped he wasn't wrong now.