
No One Man Should Have All That Power



4 Years
Extra large
11-24-2017, 10:27 PM

Artemis was quick to heed Tyranis' howl. She had settled into the lands quickly, learning their layout, and had spent the time since learning the habits and paths the prey there preferred to take. Afterall, with a coat like hers being smarter than the beasts she hunted was crucial. She trotted quickly to the cave their young leader had called his own, giving him a smile and a nod as she arrived. "Afternoon, Tyranis. I hope everything is well?"

While the blue woman could hardly be called mellow, she was glad that she had found this pack when she did. It slowed her to an extent, or at least it seemed slow in comparison to the endless wandering she'd endured after Crew had broken up. Artemis could feel the pups growing within her, and knew they would be here in the world before she knew it. She had spent her time eating as well as she could, hoping to keep her strength up and hopefully produce a healthy litter. Artemis wasn't sure what motherhood would hold for her, but she was glad she was facing it amongst a pack and not in the wilds, on her own. Her thoughts did flash briefly to her siblings, wherever they were, and knew she ought to try and find them and let them know before the birth. Spirits knew she would have time to find them afterwards.

Artemis turned to look out amongst the slope and jagged cliffs, waiting for movement that might signal other pack members were on their way. She wondered if any others had joined their ranks since Ty's initial call to arms. She was eager to meet the pack in it's full strength, wondering if she might find any familiar faces there.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!