
Lost in a Different World



7 Years
Extra large
11-24-2017, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2017, 11:15 PM by Diarmuid.)

Diarmuid had never been the type to pity anyone, and he'd make no exception for Acapella. As far as he was concerned, there was no use dwelling over being dealt a bad hand in life - things could always, always, be far worse. Though he supposed being completely blinded was significantly farther down on the list of bad circumstances, and it wasn't surprising that it seemed to bring her spirits down quite a bit. The way she nodded with her ears flattened signified shame, or embarrassment, and a slight frown tugged at his lips as he eyed her - though he initially just grunted in quiet acknowledgment.

He watched as she shifted, taking a few ambling steps toward her before he reclined to his haunches slowly, eyeing the lake for a moment. Her words brought him concern, though he presumed something like that had happened. How had he been so careless as to not notice the enemy pack approaching? "What were they after, this other pack?" Diarmuid asked gruffly, his voice sounded a bit more concerned now. He didn't know much about Celestial, but they seemed a significant force - they boasted high numbers and their lands seemed fruitful, from what he could tell.

A burning question lingered on the tip of his tongue as he sat near her - how had Domari fared? Had he, too, been injured so grievously? - but he withheld the question, deciding not to overwhelm her with inquiries. Though he didn't want to pity her, he could only imagine what losing a wolf's sight would do to them, and he figured being polite rather than abrasive was likely the best way to deal with this interaction.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid