
Gravity Of You



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 05:11 AM

"What a shame." His ears pressed back against his head, unsure about what she meant by that. But that thought was fleeting as she told him she didn't have anyone either. Her voice practically purring in his ears, bringing them to slowly lift away from his skull as his interest was piqued. He felt his heart pound hard against his chest, the male practically entranced when she smiled at him. And when she brushed her tail against him in the manner that she did, it was simply the icing on the cake. He felt an uncontrollable shiver run down his spine, his fluffy fur nearly stood on end and his breath hitched. It was entirely unexpected, and with his senses already full of that sweet, tantalizing scent, he felt himself losing what bit of control he tried to maintain. And yet, he tried to hold on to that last little thread. That small shred of composure that he had. He was an alpha, how could someone make him feel weak and helpless? At least...he was for the moment. Or he thought that's what he was feeling, anyway.

No! He couldn't let himself feel this way...he had to figure something out...but what? This woman was unlike anything he'd seen. Not counting star wolves and other albinos, there was just something else about her that screamed at him. He wanted her, but he wasn't quite sure in what way...sure, he would absolutely love if she came back home with him...but considering what he knew about her family, he knew there was no chance of that happening. But what he could do, was try to extend his stay with her...if only for a few more minutes. Or hours...or even a day or two.

He swallowed, the usually composed male had to find his composure once more as those shivers continued. "And what kind of man seems right for you, if I might be so bold to ask?" At last, he'd been able to keep it together (barely) with that last little shred of composure. He turned his body to follow her movements, head tilted as it lowered as well. He wanted to get closer to her, but his respect for her also kept him from making a move to draw closer. So for the moment, he was the puppet, and she the puppeteer...

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.