
These Gangstas Ride Rockets, They Takin' Off! [Abraxas, Any Brave Souls]

Zephyr I


10 Years
11-25-2017, 01:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2017, 01:43 PM by Zephyr I.)
Lucky enough for Zephyr - and perhaps whoever was lurking outside his den - he was alone in the den tonight. Caelum was quick to cater to their restless childrens' needs tonight, and when they'd suggested a random (but brief) trip, she had gladly obliged. He, however, hadn't been quite so thrilled at the idea of leaving his den, fatigued from a hunting trip earlier in the day. He'd decided to hold down the fort, quickly drifting into unconsciousness, curled up contentedly against the wall of his den.

He'd been a light sleeper for years now. It wasn't uncommon for the sound of the wind dragging leaves across his den entrance to jerk him awake from a dead sleep, panicked and alert. Tonight was no difference - only be didn't expect it to be anyone but his mate and children. Living in Dragoste had given him a sense of false security, it seemed, because he awoke slowly and lazily, stretching his forepaws and sniffing slowly at the air.

When he caught the scent, his stomach turned and his hackles raised quickly. It was a stranger, not someone who was part of his pack, and he felt rage building in his stomach before he even had a chance to rationalize the circumstances. A low rumble built in his chest as he lifted himself to all fours, every ounce of anger that he'd ever felt materializing in this sudden protective instinct he felt overwhelming him. Never had he expected that he'd have to worry about his young children, especially now - this was what he'd worried about once he'd found out Caelum was pregnant.

He paused, sniffing at the air again, the growl in his chest growing louder by the second. "Step the fuck away from my den," Zephyr warned in his low growl - wondering if this stranger knew what he was willing tot sacrifice to protect the safety of his family. Wondering if he knew just what sort of man he'd stumbled across - one broken from years of heartache, from losing so many children, and one so fiercely unwilling to let the past repeat itself.

"Talk" "You" Think