
Glaciem Meeting


07-03-2013, 11:11 AM

The young pup listened to the callousness with which this female spoke of taking his father's life and felt a cold anger growing in him. It wasn't a vicious, fiery thing. No, it was cold and icy and it promised revenge, even if Galileo had to wait years for it. He would find the weaknesses that his father had missed and he would destroy this female from the inside out. Ears pinned flat against his skull as Galileo listened, digging his claws into the earth.

But when Crusade left, Galileo followed. It was simple to the pup. Family always came first. Family was what motivated him. He would protect his family. Including the ones not related by blood. And one day this female would regret tearing their lands from them. Still, Galileo didn't deign look in the challenger's direction as Crusade lead them away. His curious gaze did come to rest upon the challenger's mate (or so he assumed, at any rate, though they were nothing like his parents), blinking as he examined the jaw bone revealed to the world. Strange. But it wouldn't save him when Galileo came knocking once more. It wouldn't save him when he was strong.

With that, he turned aside and followed his Aunt without a word, pressing closer to his cousins than he would have normally, unsure of himself despite the anger building in his heart. This he would have to learn to conquer. He would be confident like his father when he claimed the vengeance that was his by right.
