
Lost in a Different World



8 Years
11-26-2017, 08:42 PM

She knew she couldn't dwell on the hand that was dealt to her, there was some reason that instead of something far worse happening that she was only left blinded. Though she would be the first to admit that it was hard not to dwell on her current situation. Her hopes and dreams of becoming one of the finest hunters in the pack had been shattered and now she was left to pick the pieces back up and try to create something new in her life. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she would figure it out.

He was now closer to her, she could hear his steps and knew roughly where he was. His question made her think for a moment trying to trace back to when she was being held up in the healing den. Trying to remember what exactly the word had been as far as what the other pack had wanted. It was never stated before or during the time she was fighting, so she really had to think about it for a moment. It had then hit her, herbs..... Healing supplies is all they had wanted and to create such damage to get it. She shook her head lightly, why hadn't they just tried to trade, or the alpha to come speak one on one with Regulus. Surely Regulus would be open to share. It just wasn't right!

"Just Herbs" she said before lightly shaking her head. "Somehow I don't think there leader really thought things through. Even if they got any supplies at all surely they would have used them up to heal their own wounded."

Yes, in fact now that she realized it the idea had been stupid. A raid for just herbs and the alpha allowed it to turn so bloody ugly. It had been a bad mistake and surely now they would be labeled as enemies especially after seizing Valor.

"I heard mostly all of our younger fighters on the lines came out winning with minor injuries. It was us slightly older members that got dealt the worse injuries, but overall it sounds like we did vary well," she added.

"Talk" & 'Think"

* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.