
the thrill of the hunt


07-03-2013, 11:52 AM

"Oh... my apologies." the brown wolf said shyly as she realized she had not introduced herself to the ebony wolf. " I'm Ramelia, I joined the pack a few days ago." turning her purple orb to List's golden ones before looking away as Aria disappeared into the brush to look for herbs. She flicked her ear in embarrassment, she was not good at small talk. As she stumbled for something to say, her thought stopped eruptly when a very faint, strange male scent caught her nose attention. She froze for a millisecond before she moved her head like she was stretching her neck muscled while she smelt the air. No she was not imagining it, it was there, faint, but it was there and was getting closer. A hushed, dangerous growl rumbled in her chest as she turned to look at Liste. "A strange Male is here." she whispered to the black fea just barely loud enough for her to hear. "I cant tell where its coming from, but its here and not a new pack member." Turning away from Liste, Ramelia looked around the clearing for the strange male, like nothing was wrong and said normally "Where did Aria wonder off too?" hoping that the ebony wolf would catch on to the act. The auburn wolf forced her self to relax so that it would not alert the stranger that he had been detected and run off. Even so, Ramelia would track him till they found him if he dared to harm a hair on one of her pack mates.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."