
Ain't no mountain high enough



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-28-2017, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 09:49 AM by Kai.)
Kanja's description of the reindeer sent a shiver down his spine. It was definitely making him feel a bit anxious, in the best possible way - eager for the possibilities that the future held for him.  "Perhaps we could get together a group for a hunt sometime," Kai suggested tentatively. His father told him he had encountered the trail of a herd in the far north, though hunting with his people sounded a far better idea than with random strangers. If he had no other option, though, it probably wouldn't deter him from the prospect of experiencing such a magical thing. And if they couldn't find a group? Simply watching the herd - hearing them run, as she'd explained, would be thrilling in itself.

His attention was captured by her sudden enthusiasm, his gaze following hers as they neared the peak of this strange mountain. The ground was growing warmer, or perhaps it had been  for awhile now, but with their quick movements and constant climb neither of them had noticed it - until now. Kai bounced from one section of ground to another, wincing slightly when he stood still for a moment too long.  "I can't quite-" Kai's words cut off as he lifted his head and tried to peer below the precipice ahead, seeing little more than slight glimmers of something. A slight frown touched his own features as he moved to follow after her eagerly.

"What about..." Kai shifted his head from one side of his body to the other, silver gaze searching the terrain for something that might be a better vantage point. Finding a possibility, he rushed away from her, scrambling somewhat aimlessly over rubble as he scrambled to a spot that seemed a bit higher - and once he was there he was dramatically gasping, jerking his muzzle to get Kanja to follow him. He was able to see much better now; though the view wasn't perfect, it did give them a decent view down into the bubbling pit of lava. His smile returned, bright and enthusiastic, his tail wagging behind him.

"I've never seen anything like this," he yelled out to her.  "This place has to be sacred, Kanja." The lava was clearly dangerous, liquid fire, like nothing he'd ever seen before.. like the reindeer, dangerous yet beautiful at the same time, something to be worshiped and certainly not taken for granted. He swore he felt the mountain roaring beneath him, the earth heaving a great heavy sigh, a feeling probably not unlike the feeling of a herd running past - and he was completely enraptured, briefly forgetting the uncomfortable heat beneath his paws and gazing wide-eyed into the pit of fire.