
Hanged Man Comin' Down From The Gallows [Amon v. Ganta]



4 Years
11-28-2017, 08:43 PM
Ganta’s mind was spinning the whole while he walked. The hell was he doing, throwing his life away like this? Risking Roza… Ulric… had they run? Had they gotten somewhere safe? The man sighed softly, shaking his head as he came to a brief stop. He couldn’t worry about that now. As much as he loved them, he could only pray that all that remained of his pack had fled at his warning howl. He could only pray that he hadn’t been too late, or perhaps that Amon had been bluffing. But something deep in his gut told him that the man had no reason to bluff. With wolves of monstrous sizes like that… he had the strength to back things up.

But Ganta wouldn’t for a moment believe that their loyalty was the only reason they would attack in a horde. There was something… unsettling about it all that he hadn’t been able to place his paw on. The male took a breath, breathing in deeply before exhaling. No matter what happened today… whether he fall into death or fell the behemoth that lead this murderous crew… it wouldn’t be over. He finally understood the situation his father had been in. The situation his family, the Hellstrom side, had found themselves in. Perhaps the line between good and evil was more fine than he’d believed.

He continued on, ears perked, his silvery-white orbs sure of the decision he’d made. There was only one way these beasts could dare get him to change it… and he prayed that his loved ones would not be captured by their kind. It was bad enough Philomena had been taken by Rikeros… or was it? Maybe… there was a small sliver of chance that his daughter was alive and well. Why else would Rikeros continue avoiding him? That… actually brought the young man some peace.

He stretched his own limbs as he walked on, trying to quiet the doubts and cries within his brain. They had no place anymore. He had spoken his piece, what he believed and knew, and now he would carry it with him until his last breath. He sent a silent prayer to his mother, and then one to his father as well. Whether or not they would get them he didn’t know. Ganta wasn’t sure how much he believed in the spirit realm being able to interact with the mortal one.

When he arrived at the scene of the battlefield he allowed his ears to lay flat against his skull once more. He approached Amon, stopping about ten feet away from the other wolf. This time the male knew the time for words were over. He slunk into a battle position, rolling his shoulders forward. His weight was distributed across his four limbs evenly, stance widened and squared. His digits were splayed, claws biting into the soil and his eyes narrowing into mere slits. He didn’t speak, gaze fixed on the other.

As was custom… The challenger was to make the first move.

Ganta vs Amon for PACK CHALLENGE
Round 0/3
Height 36"
Build: Light

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