
Making Things Homey



4 Years
Extra large
11-29-2017, 02:59 PM

Artemis cracked her eyes open to find a soot and cinder fae staring back at her. The woman seemed to have found herself quite the prize, based on the pair of antlers she had alongside her. Whatever it was that had inspired the other woman to undertake such a task, Artemis found herself impressed. "Must have been quite the stag to drop those," she said by way of greeting. "And yes, that was the plan." Artemis swept her tail across the slab of rock, loosely gesturing to the other half of it. "There's more room if you'd like to join me. I'm Artemis Aeris, by the way. I remember you from the meeting." The comment was neutral as she continued her assessment of the woman.

Artemis was not necessarily prickly, it was that she didn't see the use in tolerating what you did not want to tolerate. She did not have the will or time to suffer fools, and some called her unsociable for it. She preferred to call it 'standards.' Either way, she did not want to give off any aura of companionship until she knew the merit of the woman before her. Artemis hoped she would take her offer to join her for what it was; a polite contrivance to pry into her past and personal life, and find out what manner of wolves she had signed on to work beside.

Besides, whether she liked the woman or not, the looming clouds made Artemis nervous. Pleasant as the warmth was in the moment, she was well aware that mountain weather could change in a heartbeat. The roiling thunderhead could harbor gale force winds, hail, snow, thunderbolts, or all of them and all at once to boot. If it broke upon them Artemis would rather know her pack mate was protected in her own spacious den than loose upon the slopes. That could very well be a death sentence.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!