
Older & Wonder



5 Years
Extra large
11-30-2017, 12:57 PM

The woman's manner seemed stiff and prim, even cold at first. Phim didn't fault her for it, having learned to appreciate many different wolves in his life if only for the depths of their differences. She asked about his ties to the land, and even if he might force himself not to quirk a brow at the official feeling in her language, he responded with a smile. "I was raised here, in a pack called Imperium. My father, Valentine, was a good leader to many wolves," Phim explained, concluding with a sad sigh. "But not even the mightiest of us is immune to time. Something happened to my father, and the pack sort of fell apart."

He turned to Razi, attempting to blink some of the far-sighted glaze from his normally piercing eyes. He offered her a half-hearted shrug and small, hooked smile. "It's good to be home, though. Whether my pack is here or not, the hills are the same. The herds are still here. It is good to know that at least the lands I love persist." He looked over to see if she minded the rambling. The gilded woman laughed when he suggested she might go after a bison on her own. It was good to know she was not overly motivated by pride, and some others might be. As he had been in his youth. Phim let out a rueful chuckle. "Oh, I can assure you they do. Typically in the form of brash youngsters who still think they're immortal."

Asking if they tasted anything like the stench of unclean fur and dung forced more than a chuckle from his lips, and the tall man tipped his head back and let a ringing laugh loose. Oh, this woman had some humor to her after all! He gave her a full, broad grin. "A bit, but it's best just not to think about it," he said with a knowing glint in his eye. In truth, the smell of the creatures was the last thing he noticed when running them down, but that didn't stop him from having a bit of fun with the stranger.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!