
Older & Wonder



5 Years
Extra large
11-30-2017, 05:11 PM
Filing the names the man mentioned away for future potential use, Razi nodded a bit and found herself wondering what this imperium might have been like. If it's other members were like this man it must have been a force to be reckoned with among the more frail mortal beings that were it's neighbors. There was a flicker of emotion on her face as he mentioned the downfall of this pack he once belonged to. After a moments pause she offered a quiet, "Losing ones place in the world is always unfortunate." Maybe that was an understatement, but she wasn't feeling particularly eloquent today despite maintaining her generally serious and proper speech.

A faint sliver of a smile fought for its place on her lips as the ebony and gold woman tried to brush it off. True to form, Razi maintained her tame demeanor as long as possible. His mentioning the unchanging nature of the land made her remember that although this man was not abraxas, he and those like him at least could provide some interesting, war free conversations. Not that she didn't enjoy the concept of conquest, but a break was nice. "Hm, you know I can't say I've spent enough time attached to a single place to note how it changed... Could be nice though."

"Oh? Do I sense you have some experience with such things?" She teased, breaking from the quiet humorlessness that was her norm in favor of having a little fun with this man, "Don't tell me you fell victim to the perceived invincibility of youth?" It was impossible not to smirk at the idea of this. At the buffalo response she grinned. "I take it they're better after you've worked up an appetite taking them down, then?" Sniffing the air for a moment she wrinkled her nose and snorted, "But that might not make enough of a difference."

"I'm Razi Abraxas, and you are?"