
moonstone daydreams



3 Years
11-30-2017, 10:43 PM

How many times had she done this in the past few seasons? Her father would call and like the dutiful daughter she pretended to be she’d follow him to discover whatever new development he was announcing. A part of her was knotted in terror that she’d arrive to find another of her sibling’s mangled corpses littering the ground. She’d been lingering more towards the north lately, more time spent away from Levi than she’d have liked but she had been eager to keep tabs on her father, she was vaguely aware he had been meeting with two particular women but the reason did not become clear till she approached.

"You better hope Bee doesn’t show up, he’d wake even those scent blind pups with his stench; that pretty little woman of yours will have to take her brood halfway across the continent just to escape it." She approached as her father mentioned his older children. She spared a quick glance to the cave entrance. 

The girl settled herself outside the entrance, she would let her father have his time admiring his new little mistakes before she’d speak again, softer this time. She could hear soft snoring from inside and as much as she had little thought for the woman who had birthed her new siblings she knew that letting the new mother rest was best. "I see you wasted no time making some replacements for Bel." Her tone was hard and she stared straight ahead. "I hope for their sake none of them look like you." She sighed and finally looked at her father, her gaze softened. "Does she know that if a single one of them bears your genes that they will be hunted, that they’re lives could be forfeit before they even have a chance to know why?"

Mammon shook her head. "I could care less who you sleep with." Liar! "But at this point I’d thought you’d be more careful with your seed… They don’t deserve the curse they carry." For the first time she glanced back at the den, the shape of their sleeping mother and three small siblings at her belly. She hadn’t failed to notice the two older pups either. 

She settled onto her stomach, staring straight ahead again. "I’ll help in any way you need. They are my siblings and that means I’ll protect them with all I have, if I have to."

"Sweet nothings" & Dangerous thoughts

Image by Risketch
Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]