
Crime and Punishment...?



3 Years
Athena I
11-30-2017, 11:13 PM
Etain had never felt nervous walking around the pack on her own before, but since the raid it had made her much more hesitant. She hadn’t seen any of the fighting and she had only seen the injured after they had been patched up so it really hadn’t been the blood or gore or sounds of battle that effected her. The way everyone had rushed around, hiding her and her mother away, going to extreme measures to assure her that it would all be okay... that’s what stuck with her. She had stayed by her mother’s side dutifully, far more quiet than she usually was.

However, as soon as her mother would let her, she took off to find her father. He hadn’t come to the caves where she and her mom had hid. She kept expecting him to appear and tell her something about how making sure everyone had made it to the cave had made him late. But he never came and that meant he was fighting. She very carefully skittered through the Moore, keeping an eye and ear out for anything dangerous. She smelled the herbs first, but then she found her father’s scent and quickly after she heard his voice calling her name. Once she heard that all thoughts of being safe went out the window. ”Dad!” she called back before she went running in her own happing way toward him, having to skitter to a messy stop right in front of him before she went crashing into him. She fell to the ground next to him and leaned into his side. She briefly saw the patch of herbs over his eye, but in her mind he was okay and that was all that mattered.