
When hell freezes over


12-01-2017, 07:22 AM

She had thought that it would be a cold day in hell before she tried to join another pack, but... here she was with her paws on the edge of a pack’s border. Her discussion with Dragon had lingered with her enough that When winter creeped in and she begun to think about what she should do his green-eyed face popped into her mind. It still took her a while to make her way down south and across the land bridge and even longer to convince herself to actually bring herself to where she was now standing.

Her life had been riddled with bad luck and her luck with packs had been no different. However, a hard thing for her to accept was that she was getting older and now she was five years old, a loner, and had no family. The last part really hurt her the most. Family had been such a huge part of her life growing up and she had always expected to have a family of her own, but it never seemed to be in the cards for her. Being in a pack wouldn’t change all of that, but maybe it was a start. She finally lifted her head and howled for Dragon or whoever else might be in charge here. Either way she was staying if they would have her.

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