
When hell freezes over


12-01-2017, 06:24 PM

Dragon was prompt in answering her to both her pleasure and dismay. Part of her hoped he’d take his time and give her a chance to change her mind, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. All the same, she was happy to see him again. She remembered the one companion the last time they met, but now he had a pair of them following along. Maybe she’d have to ask him for the story behind them eventually. For now she could focus a bit more on “business”. After all, if she was going to live here they’d have plenty of time for stories and catching up. Assuming he agreed to let her join.

"As well as ever,” she replied with a smile, her tail giving a gentle flick behind her. Her eyes roamed over the scars that were forming across his face with a mix of curiosity and respect. "It looks like you’ve gotten into some excitement since I’ve seen you last,” she commented, a slight grin tugging at her lips. Now that she was focused on him she could catch the lingering scent of herbs on his fur. Good, at least it was being taken care of. She knew quite a few of the warriors she grew up with didn’t agree with getting their wounds treated, but she had never agreed with them. "I have to say, a few scars suit you,” she added with a chuckle. She mostly meant the comment as a teasing joke, but there was certainly some truth to it.

"Talk" "You" Think