
tell the world I'm coming home


12-01-2017, 07:00 PM
For the most part, Ambrosia was the sort of wolf that thought she had a good idea how things in the world worked. Of course, there were always small mysteries, treasures waiting to be discoveries and paths to be forged - but generally, she thought very little would surprise her. She and her people, after all, were superior, in both intellect and ability; and yet suddenly she found herself totally dumbfounded, confused and a bit terrified, though she wouldn't readily admit it, even to herself, and certainly not out loud.

What she didn't mind showing, though, was her surprise. Actually, she probably couldn't hide it even if she tried. From the corner of her eye she saw Angelus lunge after the bird almost as soon as he headed toward her face, managing it to grab it and snap it between his oversized jaws. But his actions clearly agitated the rest of the group, who started to swarm him, talons and beaks and wings all in one jumbled mess.

He shouted for her to run, and while part of her appreciated the gesture - was he really the valiant sort? or did he have some other motive behind wanting her to save herself - she was also quite interested in him and the thought of leaving here to be attacked by the mutant birds didn't sound terribly appealing either. He was handsome enough, after all, that seeing his face mauled and scarred would be a bit disappointing.

"Follow me!" Ambrosia called out as she turned on her heels and started to run back across the sand bridge, toward the mainland, the same way she'd came. While she wasn't totally sure if there was anywhere they could hide, away from the birds, she hoped perhaps they might not follow them too far away from the sea - since they'd seemed drawn to it for one reason or another. Her heart raced wildly in her chest as her pace increased, paws drumming against the ground as he hurried, turning her head slightly to glance behind her and see if Angelus was following or not.

© argent 2017