
Lost in a Different World



7 Years
Extra large
12-01-2017, 07:43 PM

Diarmuid leaned back slightly on his haunches as she spoke, only briefly eyeing her and studying the extent of her injuries. Whatever sort of fight it had been, well.. clearly her opponent had malicious intent. An injury of that sort wasn't a result of a simple accident. Perhaps one eye might be afflicted, but both? It was an injury even Diarmuid wasn't cruel enough to try to inflict upon someone. At least she seemed to be taking it all relatively decently - he knew wolves that would've probably dove straight off a cliff by now if they'd lost his sight, so he could applaud her for maintaining some strength through it all.

"Herbs, you say?" Diarmuid raised a brow, his voice echoing his slightly incredulous tone. Injuring warriors, who likely required herbs to heal, only to get.. more herbs? Strange. It was hard to picture the odd scenario, but it mattered little what he thought - what had happened had happened, and that was all there was to it. "Hm." Wolves were odd creatures, even to him, making decisions that seemed so irrational no matter which way he tried to frame it - and so frequently, too.

It was good to hear that their younger fighters had fared well, even if Acapella had not. He was almost grateful she couldn't see the relief wash over his face at the information. "Do you know how Domari is doing?" He asked after a moment, unable to hold back the burning question any longer, though he asked it casually, with only a minor hint of interest, tilting his head back to watch her again.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid