
moonstone daydreams


12-02-2017, 12:31 AM


His dad's howl reached him right after he finally caught himself a big old fat rabbit. His ears pressed back. The fuck? First Bel up and got killed by their stupid uncle, now his dad had the balls to summon him in the middle of a meal. He was angry, and regretful over his last moments with Bels. The last thing he remembered was Bels being mad and calling a stupid fat ass who couldn't think of anything or anyone but his next meal. He had actually told Bels that he was a lazy ass good for nothing who could care less about anything but his own self. None of it was true though, they'd just been mad at each other because their little deal had been broken. Bels had started hiding his scraps from Bee and bee had been stealing more than his fair share. IT had been bound to blow up eventually. 

He lifted himself and brought his rabbit with him. He set off in a slow pace, his idea of being on his best behavior was being late and not eating Levi if he was there. He had never been a fan of how he treated Mammon, one day it would bite him in the ass. If Bee didn't do it for that day. Course there was a thought that he could easily steal her away, but he knew that was unlikely. They were twins and apparently Mammon liked her guys to be dicks and not fat. 

He got there in time to hear his sisters he was sure were bickering. He rolled his eyes. The scent told him what he needed to know. There was a birth. Their siblings had just expanded. He wasted no time pushing between his sisters, making sure he got his smell up their noses. Then he stopped in front of his dad. His eyes glared at him. Then went to the pups inside. Five kids. One looked like his stupid uncle. The rest like his dad, or a combination of his dad and that stupid woman inside. He scrutinized them for a moment. The fresh rabbit still in his mouth. 

He knew he should probably say something. His hair stood on end though. Everything about this said their dad was replacing Bels and their missing sibling. Asmodeum would not be pleased. He was not pleased. As if the blow of loosing his best friend hadn't been enough. 

He was suddenly feeling sick to his stomach and for the first time wasn't hungry. He pushed past his dad and purposely made sure to shoulder him out of the way. He didn't wait for permission. He moved into the den and glared at the two older ones briefly before moving to eye the newborns. They were squeaky and looked like rats. Yup they were rats. None of them deserved a name. He dropped the rabbit at the woman's paws and looked at his newest siblings for a brief second. He was then moving again, out of the den, now without his food for the first time ever. He wasn't dumb enough not to see the shock on his dad's face at  that. He didn't even look at his sister's but he could bet they had been just as shocked. He was never that willing to give food away and he never had shared his food a day in his life. He was sure his sister's could even remember getting bit for trying to take even a bite of his food. 

He stopped for the breifest of seconds next to his dad to speak in a low deadly voice. The first time in his life he had ever let his anger out, even growled at anyone. "I'll help, but those rats will never be my siblings. You didn't even think about how we felt before you decided to go off replacing Bels or Asmodeum. The latter of which no one knows if hes dead or alive and here you stand not even trying to find him. FUCK YOU!" He wasn't concerned with the woman's sleep right now. He was quick to move then, pushing past Mammon and Sath. If they tried to stop him he was quick to turn and snap his teeth at them. 

It was unlike him to be so angry he knew but he wasn't bout to apologize or take it back. He stomped off aiming to linger in the shadows for right now. If his sisters wanted to find him later he wasn't going to stay away from them. 

-exit bee-
