
Saga of the Dawnbringer



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-02-2017, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2017, 10:48 AM by Kai.)
Was she a healer, then, he wondered? Her comment had certainly implied so - and she had a sort of mystical aura about her that made it an easy assumption, and he hoped he wasn't wrong. "I usually survive most tumbles without being patched up at all, so I suppose I'd heal quite well this way," he commented with a single brow raised. He didn't know anything about healing, had no particular interest in it - though he'd been lucky enough to not receive any serious injuries so far in life, only minor bumps and bruises.

Although their relationship between the wolf and red panda seemed strange to him, it wasn't unusual enough to warrant much attention. He knew wolves were odd creatures, with different cultures and habits, as evidence by the tales his father had told him in contrast to the wolves he'd met in Boreas so far. "Conversation is certainly one word for it," Kai snorted in amusement, finding their dynamic more entertaining than anything.

Almost as soon as he grabbed Ylva and more dropped her rather than set her down, Kai realized he'd screwed up. The red panda fluffed up angrily, hissing at him, quite clearly pissed off at being dropped. Of course, it wasn't a big enough distance to cause any real harm besides a bruised ego. Kai pretended to not flinch when she lunged toward him, though thankfully the wolf held her friend back. He straightened out his posture, hoping she hadn't noticed him flinch. Not that he was scared of.. whatever this creature was. Was it a cat? It looked mildly feline-like. But he definitely wasn't afraid, merely surprised, and he felt his ground, puffing up his chest slightly as he stared down Ylva as she visibly seethed in anger at him. "She's right, I am much bigger than you," Kai agreed a touch haughtily - seemingly encouraged by Asgeira's burst of laughter that suddenly filled the air. "And I've eaten creatures like you for breakfast once or twice." Okay, maybe not ones all that similar.. but certain of similar height and build.

The panda's look had him chuckling, trying to portray an air of unrestrained confidence, but the look that he cast her was one that was a touch wary. It wouldn't be wrong to say be was ready to flee at a moment's notice, if she chose to lunge at him again."At least your friend seems quite fierce," Kai laughed appreciatively at Ylva's ferocity. He supposed to be a small creature who hung out with a wolf, you'd have to be pretty tenacious. "My name is Kai. Kai Jarvela. What about you and your little friend here?" He had a feeling being called little would only further agitate Ylva, which was the only reason he emphasized the world, grinning playfully all the while.