



10 Years
12-02-2017, 02:44 PM

She braced herself when the mad creature came barreling towards her, preparing herself for what might be a losing battle for her. Caelum was prepared to do her best against this opponent, even if she lost, but the impact didn't come. A flash of pale curled fur signified the arrival of what she'd been praying for; backup. The bestial man who'd been hunting for victims was met with a much more equal match than he'd likely anticipated as he was sent flying to the side, away from Caelum's smaller form. Blue eyes closed briefly as she thanked the gods above for keeping her alive another day.

There was a moment of quiet before the words came and grounded her once more. He told her to flee, to warn their neighboring packs, and had Caelum been younger or more prideful she might not have heeded these orders. But she was older, the oldest in this pack next to Zephyr. Between that, being a mother, and being so small by comparison... Well, she couldn't argue. As the man flew into battle with the crazed beast Caelum knew he wouldn't hear her thanks and so instead would thank him by running as fast as her pale legs could carry her away from this threat.

She stopped at the spot where she'd stashed her child, calling to Caelestis. Her heart didn't stop beating wildly until she saw the little brown form of her daughter headed her calls and came skittering to curl at her paws. Though Caelestis was getting bigger, she wasn't exactly fast yet, so with a heavy sigh meant to free her of her nerves and prepare the older woman for their journey, Caelum decided she'd have to be carried. "Animi," she said tersely to the bird perched between her ears. "Yes?" "I need you to fly ahead and scout out where the nearest packs are. I still don't know who would be closest and time is of the essence." there was no need to add more. The bird took off, his inconspicuous little body soon disappearing over the frosty winter landscape.

With that, Caelum grabbed the pup at her paws by the scruff and took off, running far from the chaos and hoping Zephyr would find them quickly.


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[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]