
Hanged Man Comin' Down From The Gallows [Amon v. Ganta]



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-02-2017, 03:11 PM
Apollo ghosted alongside the strange alpha, escorting him as requested to be certain he would appear at the proper time and place. You could never truly be certain if these weak creatures would unexpectedly attempt to flee their fate despite seeming to welcome it up until that point, and he was not willing to take the risk to his family's pride and plans by depending on a mortals whims. On the way he picked up Seth, who had been lurking a safe distance away with the usual healers' paraphernalia in anticipation of wounds taken. The little dwarf didn't complain, much, at being dragged along on the trip but simply hauled along the herbs and such he might need if Amon were injured in his battle.

Upon their arrival the alpha moved to face Amon, and Apollo hung back to keep out of the way and observe. It took him a little aback at how quickly the fight ended. Yes, the Abraxas were mighty, but they were nonetheless held back by their mortal bodies and he had expected this creature to be able to give Amon a challenge. But perhaps he was simply too used to seeing the Abraxas practice against one another and had forgotten the sheer power they contained, for the strangely furred wolf fell quickly to Amon's jaws. Having not heard the conversation between his litter mates, Apollo was not surprised when Amon chose to end the former alpha's life. It was logical, to him, to end the threat to the Abraxas that the dethroned king may have represented and to show an example to those in Dragoste who might seek to oppose them. He was concerned, a little, at the possibility of having created a martyr for their cause, but he dismissed it as irrelevant for the moment. They could not afford to show weakness to the mortals, and if that meant creating a few martyrs along the way so be it. A necessary evil, for now.

As Amon moved to retire from the bloodied battlefield, Apollo nodded respectfully to the new alpha and fell into step alongside he and their sister to make the journey back. Polished gold eyes gleamed disapprovingly at the young upstart who sought to chastise the leader though, and he spoke in a deep rumble to her as they left. "It is not your place to question Amon, pup. You have neither the experience nor the knowledge to make a judgement. Be quiet and obey without insulting your betters, or you and I will be having more than words later."

He flicked his tail in a summoning gesture to the midget healer, who had not been needed after all, and continued on with his littermates. Fool children. They would need a firm paw to keep them in line as this plan of Amon's unfolded.

-exit with everyone else-

Ooc: apologies if there are any weird typos going on. Phone post.