
I'm Just Running From The Violence


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-02-2017, 05:59 PM
His charge had been a success, a growl of satisfaction left his throat as the yearling went down. Larger and heavier than the boy, Acere would attempt to use his weight to keep the boy on the ground, standing over him with all paws grounded firmly in the dirt. Toes were splayed, claws biting the earth. His tail held level with his spine, head lowered over his throat to protect it, though even should the boy decide to go for his throat, he'd have a hard time trying to get at it with the giant standing over him. Crimson orbs were narrowed, lips peeled and his face bunched up to further protect his eyes.

When he felt the boys forepaws on his body trying to keep him out of reach, Acere would feel the bruise that would begin to form from their collision. More than likely it wouldn't be more than a moderate one, but it would still ache later he was sure. Teeth would click shut as Tyranis tried to keep him away from his throat, so Acere would do the next best thing he could. He would turn his head to his left, aiming his teeth at Tyranis' right foreleg just above the joint of his wrist. He sought to grip the boys appendage in his teeth with enough force to make it hurt, but no more than that. He wasn't trying to break bones or shatter the boys leg, no. This would merely be a teaching moment, though he was sure that if Ty had been in this position with someone with ill intentions, they would not hesitate to use it to their advantage and maul him.

He would grunt then, as he felt the boys hind claws raking at his underside. Moderate scratches would be the result, the male tightening his abdomen as he prepared to make one more move. He would seek to place a large paw heavily upon Tyranis' throat in an attempt to restrict his breathing.

Acere vs Tyranis for SPAR
Round: 2/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy
ooc//Crappy tag i'm sorry XD

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