
What Hurts The Most


07-03-2013, 01:37 PM

An amusing thought crossed his mind as he groomed Meili. The act of grooming her reminded him of the days when he was a pup, always getting dirty and such, and having to always take a bath before he was allowed in the den. And after each bath, his mother would dry them all of with her tongue, in a similar fashion as to what he was doing with Meili. The memory made him feel older than her for a few spare moments, like if he was really the one that could protect her. And of course he was. He was physically bigger than her, therefore he was her self-appointed guardian. He would be there to protect her if she ever needed it; she was family after all.

And yet, as he was grooming her, he could feel a sudden change in her mood, something stirring up. He continued on with his grooming until he was satisfied, giving her head a quick inspection to make sure he had done a good job before resting against her again. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was up with her. It wasn't obvious, nothing flashed across her fa?ade, there was no physical sign that would've alerted him that anything was wrong, but he had spent a year away from his family, out with the world, observing and learning. He had taught himself to recognize the shift of feelings with someone, the subliminal change in mood that would alert him that something was wrong. And he could feel that now with Meili. Just what was troubling his new friend? Surely it couldn't have been what he had told her about his deceased grandfather that was troubling her so?

Unable to stand her feeling like this, Gael lifted his head, onyx nose pressing into the crook of her ear, salmon tongue brushing against the fur there. Mei what's wrong? I can tell something is the matter...If you don't want to talk about it just say so and I won't bring it up again... He was gentle in his approach, not wanting to make it seem like he was prying, but the young Adravendi was genuinely concerned about his friend. He didn't like when she wasn't happy.

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