
Keep Your Heart Off Your Sleeves [Malleus and Seth]



5 Years
12-03-2017, 01:57 PM

Lydia offered the men a shy smile, glad that they seemed willing to go along with her as their instructor despite the fact she knew they saw her as less of a wolf than they.  Seth seemed quite excited and she found herself hoping she wouldn't disappoint them.  She let the comment on her beauty go, preferring to let it pass.  She'd never really been complimented in such a way before and she didn't know what to make of it, especially coming from one of the Abraxas.  She'd spent most of her time just trying to stay off the radar, to have her be noticeable was a truly foreign feeling and she couldn't process it so she tucked it away. Nevermind that Pyralis told her quite clearly what might happen to her if she became the object of anyone's desires here.

Seth and Malleus would explain their skill level as basic and what their interests were.  Lydia took in their thoughts and mulled them over.  First aid was definitely important in a family so prone to violence. "Are you familiar with yarrow?  It's a very useful plant that can be used to slow the bleeding in minor wounds and to treat fevers that come with respiratory illness.  It's fairly common but I find the best place to gather it is in the god's garden northwest of here."  She hoped it would be a good plan to start with as it was applicable to physical injury but also to the disease that would come later with the rainy season. They could go through this plant first then maybe on to one that would be good to pair with yarrow to either prevent infection or to treat it later.

"We can talk a bit about where to find it, how to prepare and things of that nature then go gather some.  Does that sound good?  If you're already familiar with yarrow perhaps we can go over white willow bark.  It is good for a number of uses as well, from poultices for wounds, to arthritis and colds."

"Talk" "You" Think

ooc:  I figure they can discuss a plant of interest for general lesson points and then go gather it for another set of points if you're interested.  Let me know if you want to go over storage techniques before or after the gathering.  Thanks for your patience guys!