
★ Avalanche! [Navigation event]


12-03-2017, 04:36 PM

"Get out alive!"
He had finally decided to leave the more desolate places of the North and went off to search for something...more. he wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he couldn't stay in the North lands forever. Wandering paws brought him to a pass in the east, winter had set in and he had spent the night in a small cave further up the mountain side. Now, he was carefully making his way down and heading south to see what else lied in these strange lands.

He was also feeling hungry, and he couldn't quite remember when he had last eaten. He wasn't starving, but his stomach growled fierce enough for him to notice. Pausing where he was, he gazed around in search of a potential meal, and when his stomach growled again, the ground would shake at the same time. He froze, slightly confused. Was he...imagining things? A dull crack and the ground steadily shaking beneath him, growing with intensity began to set alarm bells in his head. Slowly turning to look behind him, he saw it. Eyes grew wide, the male seemingly glued in place as he watched the snow and debris hurdle down the mountainside.


As he watched trees succumb to the onslaught, he finally took the cue to run. And so he turned and bolted down the hillside as fast as his paws could carry him, half stumbling, sliding, and rolling due to the incline and his speed and panic. What a day to choose to travel! The closer he got to the bottom of the pass, he swore he could feel the ground heave with every step, but he dared not look behind him.

But of course, curiosity would make him do it anyway. He was close enough to the bottom now, so he tossed a look behind him and his eyed widened more. Avalanches traveled faster than he thought! As soon as he returned his attention forward again, he spotted another wolf too little, too late. "Look out!" The words had barely left his mouth before he tripped, slipped, and practically flew off his feet and right into her (Magnolia)...

"Speech", Thought, "You"