
Shooting Star


07-05-2013, 05:28 PM

It was pretty nice of him to give her some advice like that, but she was sure that she probably wouldn't need to use it later on. She hardly ever ran into sleeping wolves anyway, so his warning was probably useless, but she didn't let on. She didn't want to be rude; after all, he had pretty nice about her having woken him up. She wasn't sure she would be able to do the same if someone came and woke her up from her nap. She rather liked being able to wake up on her own. His voice broke her from her thoughts, sapphire gems refocusing on his dark figure. I am called, Kypsis. And I'm not from a pack, I'm a rogue. I claim no one and no one claims me. A rogue. She'd heard that term before, but had never actually met a rogue wolf before. Rogue's sounded pretty interesting, since they didn't have anywhere that they specifically lived and were able to travel where they wanted to go, but the young woman preferred to be a in a pack. She liked having a family to come home to. Do you like being a rogue Kypsis? She hoped that her asking questions wouldn't annoy him. Some adults didn't like when youngsters pestered them with questions.

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