
Cast The First Stone



2 Years
Extra large
12-04-2017, 06:57 PM
I'll show you how a heart can never fail

Rory listened as she explained her pack and he was surprised to hear that they'd been a long standing pack. Should he have known about Abaven if they really had been around this long? He couldn't imagine that they were recluses. Maybe it was just because he hadn't had the chance to talk to his mother about the other packs? She had left in a hurry after all and he hadn't completed his training before that. He could just chalk it up to a lack of experience with political interactions and call it a day.

Instead, he was far more interested when she explained that her pack lent out whoever was needed. He honestly hadn't thought much about trading with other packs, or doing anything at all really, until recently. Maybe it was something he could try to work out in the future. He mulled it over in his head for a moment, choosing to remain silent, before her question caught his attention again.

"Family oriented mostly, though I suppose most, if not all, packs are like that." He said with a nervous chuckle. "My mom created the pack in the hopes that anyone who joined could be a part of a pack without the worries of a strong hierarchy. Everyone has a voice within the pack and is encouraged to be open within the decisions of the pack. It's very free reign really, though the pack still leans more towards lawful good." It probably wasn't the best explanation he could have given, but it had been his mother's vision and not his own. She would have explained it a lot better than he did. "You mentioned lending out healers and warriors, what do you normally expect in return for those services?"


[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]