
Where Did It Go?



4 Years
12-04-2017, 09:01 PM

Tiny as she was she didn't let it stop her from moving forward. Only she didn't know how much other's looked at her like a handicap. She was working on getting better at everything, even at using english better thanks to Torin. Though she had yet to dare to move beyond the borders just yet. Rory made her feel safe at least and protected, even if he didn't try. Did he know the impact he had made on her yet? She had yet to tell anyone but then again she feared doing so, as she was nothing special. She was just the child Faite had taken in because she pitied her. She had inadvertently caused Aldric's death, and then found herself kidnapped later. She was nothing but a burden. She was not stupid, she knew it and figured Rory did too.

His smile then confusion caused her to cock her head to the side. But then it occurred to her that he had yet to see her with a deer pelt draped over her. She smiled at him to reassure him that this change was okay by her. She'd be less noticeable if she used this every day. He greeted her anyway though, then he stopped. Like he couldn't concentrate. Was it so strange? Well of course she had never seen another use a pelt like this. She reached back and gently grasped the pelt, pulling it off herself and setting it before herself. She didn't know it wasn't the pelt but her scent that had Rory distracted, and that this would not help him. Faite had never explained such things to her.

He finally spoke up once more and she gave him a soft smile. No one needed to know of her nightmares, not even Faite. "Jewell is being good. Not leave home no more, teach Torin tongue. Miss Faite still, but Rory do good as alpha too. Keeps friends safe, make Jewell safe here." She gave him a brief rundown of how things were for her but made sure to leave out enough that he wouldn't be too burdened by her. She had yet to face her attacker since she came back but that was no problem hopefully. She averted her gaze for a moment, before she tilted her chin and aimed a small lick at Rory's cheek. She didn't know why but it felt right to do in the moment. "Jewell thanks Rory...."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.