
All My Lovin'


07-19-2013, 01:27 AM

Pregnancy was no walk in the park. From what he could see going on with his wife, it didn't seem like it was too much of a good time. There were times the obsidian man felt bad that he'd filled his wife with his seed. It was his fault after all that she was going through this, but yet she seemed determined to see it through; their children were well worth it. And they really were. The man just wished that he could alleviate some of the pans of pregnancy from his wife, but he knew that it was physically impossible. All he could do was try to accommodate her as best he could and try to make her as comfortable as possible during her pregnancy.

He'd noticed that since having gotten pregnant, Song was beginning to sleep in much later than usual. Usually she was the first one awake of the duo, but now he was the one beginning to wake up earlier more often. It appeared that her pregnancy was taking much more of a toll than he'd first realized. That morning Cherokee had awoken first as always, having slept fitfully beside his uncomfortable wife. He'd sensed her tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in and it had kept him up somewhat. But he didn't mind. It wouldn't be too long before she was able to give birth, and then she would be able to relax. If not for a little while. He'd set out with a mission that morning; breakfast. Nothing to heavy, he didn't want to upset her stomach if she wasn't feeling to well, so rabbit had been the first thing to come to mind. They were quick little buggers, but the large man was able to snag two, the lifeless carcasses now dangling from his dark jaws as he trotted back towards his den. Mismatched gaze came across his wife's swollen figure, a muffled woof of greeting reaching out across the expanse to her as he came up before her, dropping the two morsels at her paws as he reached down to tenderly lick her forehead. Goodmorning beautiful.

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