
In The Desert You Can Remember Your Name


12-05-2017, 09:55 PM

Night had fallen, the sun had ticked down below the horizon and the land was in relative quiet. What little warmth the sun had provided had been sucked away when it went away to be replaced by the moon. It wasn't helping that the small she-wolf walked in a close proximity to the river, allowing the wind to sweep the cold from the surface across her fur and chill her body. She shivered, wondering how far this river went and if she would find a place to settle in for the night.

Golden eyes ranged across the shadowy landscape before her before landing upon a peculiar sight. There seemed to be a bit of... glowing. Curious she picked up her gait from a walk to a trot and headed for it, hopeful that this interesting thing would grant her shelter.

It did.

Before her lay a yawning cavern with what she could now see were glowing bits of mushroom that clung to the walls. It wasn't exactly the best thing for her but it would do for tonight. Not to mention the ambiance was absolutely gorgeous. Never before had she seen such a thing as glowing mushrooms and it warmed her frozen heart. She found a place to lie down that was far enough from the entrance to keep the wind from chilling her while she allowed herself to look at the sight overhead. She smiled, pleased that she'd come here though she couldn't help the tinge of loneliness and homesickness that struck her heart then. How she wished her family could see this as well... but they were many miles away and she probably would never see them again.

Her head lowered as she dropped her golden gaze to the ground, thinking of memories as well as what they would say if they were here now.

307| Torin | notes

"I Speak!"
I Think...

Wolf by Khalliysgraphy | Textures by Javajunkie247
Table by Plymouth