
Random Event Suggestions



5 Years
12-06-2017, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2018, 07:49 PM by Nyx.)
Skill Point: Fighting
Location(s): The Boneyard
Description of random event: A group of wolves seem to have made their home in the boneyard, even if just temporarily. They look weak and half starved, but there's a lot of them, gathered in a large circle around....something. If someone is brave enough, they'll notice another wolf and two pups; the older one is clearly hurt, but still standing. It's up to whoever stumbles across the scene to decide; will they help, or leave the trio to whatever fate they may have?

Skill Point: Hunting
Location(s): Lover's Mangrove
Description of random event: An adventuring wolf is greeted by another strange wolf and his companion, a snake wrapped around his neck and shoulders. While both seem friendly, it's apparent that they're on the run from something. Quickly, he explains that he's not used to the area and needs a small meal before he can continue on his way. Although he claims that he cannot offer much, he offers tales from his homeland, and some of the lore, as a reward.

Skill Point: Healing
Location(s): Daager Isle
Description of random event: An odd creature has been washed up on shore! Some may realize that it's a big cat, but that may be the least of their worries. The creature is not breathing, but rescuing it just may be possible, if whoever stumbles across it knows the right things to do in this situation.

Skill Point: Navigation
Location(s): Gambit Briar
Description of random event: It seems that whoever's wandered in has found themselves lost! They could be on the right track, or just going around in circles. Either way, it will be their job to try and get out as fast as they can, while trying their best to avoid getting scratched up too badly.

Approved - nyx