
Oria and Hymn return [Closed]



5 Years
12-06-2017, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 04:19 PM by Angra.)
OOC Name: Croatoan

Character Name: Amato Destruction

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Design: Partially twinning with Bluetick, no ref yet

Appearance: Amato will be a larger wolf when it comes to height, being the same height as his father, but he'll always have a slender build. He'll be lighter and fast, but speed may be the only thing that helps him if he ever has to go into a fight. He's much too slender to use brute force, and he'd have to rely on his speed or his brains.

Compared to the dark pelts of his parents, Amato is a shock. His fur, as light as it is, hints at a throwback to his grandparents, and he's almost an oddity when he's next to his parents. His fur is a snowy, unblemished white, with the exception of the few markings he has. Despite the color of his fur, his markings make it obvious just who his parents are. At the very least, it could give some sort of hint. Amato's markings are ebony in color, a sudden difference from the snowy white of his base coat, and are fairly simple; he has no extravagant markings that may make him different. On his right paw is a single splash of ebony, a sock, a trait that he gained from his mother. The rest of his paws are the same snowy white; this is the only paw that's different from the others. To match this singular marking, he only has one ear that has any ebony to it, the other being ivory. His left ear the mismatched ear, the one coated in ebony fur. Amato has ebony eyebrows, ones that are matched with the ebony lines under both eyes, a trait that the Destruction family was known for. Finally, Amato has an ebony marking that stretches up his muzzle, stopping about halfway abruptly. Anyone that looked at him from above would realize that it looks like a stretched triangle, another trait that ran in his father's family.

Amato's eyes are a rich purple, vibrant against the monochrome colors of his fur.

Personality: Amato, although he would never truly admit it, is afraid to go far away from his parents, even if it is to explore. He can't exactly function on his own, having a constant fear that he's going to mess up somehow if he even tries it. He's dependant on others, although he hates that fact. He can hunt for himself, but that's about all; talking to others, standing up for himself, is nothing that he can do. Taking care of others is a thought that fills him with fear. He can barely function without family by his side; how is he supposed to take care of anyone else? Amato loves authority, and being told what to do. It means that he doesn't have to worry about making the wrong choices, or hurting someone's feelings. He can rely on someone else to help him out when it comes to things like that.

Amato, even as young as he is, is pessimistic and has a fear of the world that a wolf as young as he should not have. To him, everyone besides his family is bad and will only turn around to hurt him. He doesn't like giving others the benefit of the doubt, and he's convinced that doing such a thing will only hurt him in the end. He doesn't trust others, and he's all too willing to just see the bad parts of life, even if his untrusting nature will make him lose good opportunities.

Amato, despite his near constant paranoia and the fact that he doesn't truly trust others, is full of energy and life. A part of him wants to travel and explore, and to go see everything that life has to offer him. He's afraid to go too far from his family, though, meaning that he hardly ever uses his energy. Instead, he's near constantly restless, always shuffling his paws or moving around somehow; anything to keep moving. He hates sitting around and doing nothing, and he'd much rather be by his family's side instead of waiting for something to happen. He would like to make something happen. His pace is more quick and rushed, trying to learn everything as fast as he can.

Amato is a bit hesitant to learn everything that he can about the world. He'd be more than happy to know nothing than know something that he doesn't want to. A part of him, however, does want to know the knowledge that comes from his family and what they have learned. He'd much rather learn from his parents than observing, but he will if he has to. It's the last thing he'd want to do, however.

RP Sample: At least site minimum