
Oria and Hymn return [Closed]



5 Years
12-06-2017, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2017, 08:28 PM by Jackson.)

OOC Name: Bluetick

Character Name: Allegro Destruction
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: My own Design

Allegro's coat is a bright contrast compared to both of his parents. It seems that his pelt color was a throwback linking to his grandfathers (Oria's Biological father & Hymn's biological father) and of his Grandmother (Hymn's mother Novel). He stick's out like a sore thumb when he is with both of them. Despite his color Allegro has inherited key markings from both sides of his family, linking him to both the Destructions & to his mother Oria. The color of his markings are a beautiful golden blonde color that came from his mother and pairing with the simple designs of his markings makes the male rather handsome and fairly attractive. He has one sock marking that is located on his right front paw, again something he had inherited from Oria. Why he only has just one the gods only know. To match this one stocking he also has only one ear that has any color to it. His left ear is the ear with the color. He has golden blonde eyebrows paired with golden-blonde lines under his eyes that are distinct in the Destruction bloodline.

Allegro also has a Golden-blonde marking on his nose that stops about halfway up his nose. If you were to look at him from above the marking would be comparable to a stretched triangle, another marking that is seen in the bloodline of his father's family. His last marking comes directly from his grandmother Novel. It is a marking that was seen in a few of her siblings and a reminder of his origins. He has what is called a 'butt arrow' and if you look at him from above you can clearly see the arrow. It points towards the tip of his tail, with the point of the arrow ending on the first quarter of his tail. He also had a golden blonde tail tip as his last marking. Lastly the boy's bright Cyanide blue eyes come directly from his father.

Allegro will grow to match his father's height at 36 inches, but the boys build will remain medium that matches his mother. He will strive to keep himself at a medium build wanting to be lighter then his father so his movements will be more fluid and so he can be quicker on his feet.


Allegro has no fear of separating from his parents to explore. He will grow to learn quickly how to function on his own without depending upon others. He will learn to hunt for himself and to survive so that he isn't forced to depend on anyone else. He likes to be a provider and finds joy in being able to take care of others. This also means he does not have to depend on anyone's authority to survive. He can function without being told what to do.


The phrase 'he's wearing rose colored glasses' fits him fairly well. He sees the good in the world and is always giving others a benefit of the doubt. He can be fairly naive in seeing the evils in life because he doesn't really want to know or learn about it.

Laid Back & Gentle

Allegro isn't as hyper as his father had been as a pup. In fact this eager yearling takes a much slower and quieter approach to life. He has a lot more of a gentle approach and doesn't bounce from place to place. Now this doesn't mean that Allegro is lazy either and in fact the male hates to sit around and do nothing. He likes to be on the move, exploring and learning all he can about the world, his pace is just more slower and gentle.

Scholarly & Observant

Allegro strives to learn all that he can about the world. Like his mother he is eager to gain knowledge in everything he can, including other wolves themselves. He likes to be taught by others and to learn what knowledge they have on life itself. He can also learn by observation. He is a patient male and has no problem watching a herd of deer all day if it means he could learn something new. He strives to make himself as adaptable as he possibly can and better himself. When his parents are not teaching him the boy will learn himself through observing others.

RP Sample:
It was a beautiful morning despite the terrible winter storm the day before. Being stuck in the shelter with his family all of yesterday had made him antsy and he was glad that today he would be able to get out and stretch his legs. They had been holed up in a cave out of the wind and the chill, but this particular cave overlooked a rather large plain of open ground. He had been the first of his family to wake up and he pulled himself to his paws, stretching himself and working the sleepiness out of his system.

His movements were quiet, not wanting to disturb anyone from their slumber. He moved away from the cozy embrace of everyone's body heat and headed to the entrance of the cave to be met with the fresh snow that law outside. With the cave sitting up a slight slope the drifts of snow were not near as deep as they could have been from yesterday. He strode forward, smiling as his paws made a sharp but dull crunch in the snow. The sound was odd to him and even though it had been winter for a while, he still found it hard to get used to making such a noise.

When he got to the slope he hit a small soft spot in the snow and went tumbling and slipping down the slope. Eyes wide, but he was filled with amusement and could hardly keep himself from laughing. He was still to close to the family and didn't want them to wake because he was making to much noise. When his body had finally stopped he took a moment to fix himself and to get back onto his feet before he padded off to look for something to do.
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