



2 Years
12-06-2017, 11:03 PM
The man sighed and rolled his eyes at her childish response to being cornered by the facts. Yeesh, he was just tryin' ta help. Oh well, let her go hungry, see if he cared. No skin off his nose anyways. Watching with amusement as she once more stepped in the water and gazed into her own shadow, Jouko stifled a small laugh, biting his paw to make himself keep it in. It was sort of endearing how hilariously stubborn the girl was, the way she moved so defiantly as if she could just will herself to succeed despite entering the situation all wrong, then not wanting to be told she was wrong. She was like a pup who did what you told them not to. Frustrating, but still cute enough for you to not just walk away.

He watched a while, gazing at the woman who he could see was puffing up like a volcano about to burst right before she snapped. Watching her calmly Jouko lifted his brows skyward, rumbling, "I'm afraid I don't have anywhere to be. But I doubt it's just my presence you dislike, now isn't it?" Rising to his paws and stepping into the water on his side of the river, Jouko laughed, "You don't like that I'm right. But, let me guess! You don't want help. That right?" Giving the girl a knowing smile that was sweet as an over ripe strawberry Jouko settled himself a few dozen yards away from her and prepared himself to catch his own meal.

Positioning himself in a way he could stand comfortably for several minutes, with the sun in front of him casting his shadow behind and his breathing silenced the man stood poised to catch the first tasty morsel that crossed his path. He didn't know how miss prideful over there was fairing, but he figured if she didn't want to be around him she'd just go up river or something. Chilly blue eyes flickered side to side, keeping tabs on the little movements he spotted. They were approaching, he'd just need to be patient.