



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-08-2017, 11:26 AM

Amon waited patiently as his family trickled in. They all seemed to be in signs of good health, with only a few showing signs of having participated in any sort of combat. It would appear that the wolves who had made up this pack were of a similar caliber as it's now-deceased leader. Had they folded so easily in the face of their assault? Amon chuckled. So much the better. Razi commented that some of their family and certain pack wolves may still be tied in combat. No matter, the word would get out regardless. Gaios asked if his opponent posed much challenge, and Amon answered by simply gesturing to his unmarked form. "Merely a lesson that it is unwise for a mortal to test a god," he murmured. Hopefully it was a lesson he need not teach often. To kill what might have been a loyal subject was simply a waste. Andras was leveled with a neutral stare, as Amon refused to react to either his theatrics or the ridiculous stylization of his name. "Well done, Andras. I would like to look this male over later." Then at his eldest son's words, Amon smiled. "I believe we have all made the Fallen God proud today."

Patience expended in waiting for the stragglers to arrive, Amon began to delve into the the final conclusions of their confrontation. "Our God was certainly looking down upon each and every one of us today. His guidance allowed us this resounding victory, and we will show our thanks by using it to our greatest advantage." He looked slowly around the circle, meeting the eyes of each wolf he was able to do so for. "I have considered everything said at our last gathering. This territory is not suitable for our purposes. I do believe settling in Auster will provide us a more stable climate, and as it is less densely populated prey will run in greater numbers. I would claim Cattail Creek and the Grapevine Cathedral. The former will ensure us a source of water even in the dry seasons, and the gnarled forest of oak has a plethora of den sites and is difficult to navigate without knowledge of the terrain, and as such easily fortifiable. The lands are near to the ocean, so even in the worst of scenarios we will be able to reposition ourselves in a way that is defensible, where we cannot be encircled entirely."

Perhaps it was not necessary to explain his reasoning, but Amon felt that with a group of such strongly minded wolves it would do no harm. He would welcome criticisms to his leadership, as long as they were founded in solid reasoning. Of course, he would also welcome any to run their mouths without having thought through their words, if only for the joy of cutting them down. "This pack will only be the first of many. I intend this to be a capital of sorts, a well populated and defensible land where we may always find refuge and a safe place to train and rear young. I suggest we take a short period of time to recover from wounds and regain our strength, and establish this first packs foundations before making any more large moves. Obviously, we must be vigilant in the moons to come. Enemies have been made today, and I would have us get words to the surrounding packs before word of what happened today reaches them through other tongues."

Amon raised his head and his voice. "We offered the wolves of Dragoste a chance for peace. It's leader decided their fate without consulting for the opinion of any other than himself. He demanded that a life be lost today and he paid that price, but the others who lived beside him have not yet been offered a chance to find a place within our Empire. As such, it is paramount that they are afforded this courtesy." A small smile curled onto his lips. "We will find them. Rewards will be given for showing escapees what it means to defy the Fallen God, but doubly so to those who return to our borders with converts willing to join our cause... As for the loners of this land, I would caution that we not be unduly heavy handed. We are not crows, we have no use for corpses. Empires are built on admiration and fear in equal measure."

Growing impatient with all the things Amon felt he should not have to say, counseling wisdom that they ought to know for themselves already, he found himself eager to call the meetings end. "If you know now what service you would like to provide the Empire, proclaim it now. If you feel you deserve a rank of more substance feel free to step forward, but I would not see any fights until we have arrived in our new lands." Amon stood and waited to see what path his family members would choose for themselves, and what ranks he would need to focus most heartily on recruiting for.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!