
Black Obsidian



2 Years
12-08-2017, 05:13 PM
It'd been a long while since Jade had been in these lands. Not long after her pack's raid on Celestial, it seemed her parents slowly.. disappeared. Not that disappeared was really the right word for it, but she couldn't think of another way to describe it. They hadn't just right out left, but faded slowly, like the sun might sink below the horizon at night - slowly darkening until suddenly, all at once, everything went black

Even her siblings weren't around after that. It was easy to not feel mad about it - surely they had a good excuse for leaving - but it didn't stop her from worrying about them. And so she had left just as suddenly, trying to trail after the assortment of scents left behind, never bothering to stop and tell the leader of Talis where she had gone. Jade felt guilty for it now, but there was no use dwelling on the past when she could do nothing to change it, right? She was lingering near the southern edge of Boreas, uncertain yet if she was ready to cross the sand-bridge into Auster and return to Talis or not yet. Part of her was enjoying the time she'd been spending on her own, learning to survive as a rogue as well as simply reflecting on who she was apart from her relationships with her family and pack.

Currently, though, she was doing little reflecting; instead she was considering her next course of action, though her thoughts were pulled in a different direction when she saw a woman near the water's edge. A slight grin pulled at her lips as she ambled down the beach, paws spraying black sand to and fro as she picked up her pace - finally pausing a long distance away and calling out, "Hey there!" Her tone was friendly, less exuberant than it would have been if she'd been here a few seasons prior, though laced with friendliness that couldn't be mistaken.