
Bugs, but no Thugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-11-2017, 12:56 AM

He'd hold back his laughter as she wrinkled her nose, and twitched her eye. It was cute...and pretty funny. When she explained how they were in regards to looking petrified, he chuckled. "I see, I don't know whether I would have liked to see that or not," He was always curious and fascinated by the oddities of the world, though he hadn't encountered too many of them save for the star wolves, but they were far from ugly. He didn't think he had ever really seen anything ugly enough to consider it petrifying. "I've seen some scary things in my lifetime, though perhaps not as bad as you just described." Kimahri rumbled, though he was clearly interested as well. Still, neither of them would press her for more of the gruesome details.

He waited for her to think about what he had asked her, and as he waited, his gaze roamed over her to try and assess her body type. She looked agile enough, perhaps she was fast on her feet? She didn't look like a fighter...there weren't any visible scars that he could see, anyway. And as he made his assessment, she began to speak. He listened carefully, and his hunch was right. She wasn't much of a fighter, but perhaps she would do well with Gryphon...he was after all, the only true hunter left in the pack after Esarosa and her family disappeared. "Alright then, I've decided to try you as a hunter. You'll work with our other hunter, Gryphon. He's kinda grumpy, but he's not so bad when you get to know him," He winked at her before continuing, "I am going to teach you some fighting though. All pack members should know at least the basics to defend themselves in the event you need to. And it's mandatory for Talons. They're the bounty hunters, and trackers, as well as an extent. It's a risky job, so it's mandatory for Talons to know how to fight. But since you're a hunter, you don't have to focus on that too much."

Hmm...he felt like maybe she should know more about the pack. After all, maybe that was why some had left? He wasn't too sure, whatever the case, he'd tell her anyway. "I want you to be aware that we at times, raid other packs. You're not required to raid, but I figure I'd let you know so it doesn't come as a surprise whenever a raid meeting is called." He was somewhat nervous about telling her that bit of information, but he would be straightforward and not lie just for the sake of recruiting. "So, since we've got that squared away, do you have any other inquiries? If not, then you're free to go and explore the territories and mingle with the other members. Some of them are...a little antisocial, but I'm sure they'll warm up to you in no time. As for me, you can always find me around the castle. I sleep in one of the rooms, and I'm pretty easy to find."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.