
When hell freezes over



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-11-2017, 02:17 AM

He nodded, grinning as she inquired for more information regarding the pack. He sat, although it wouldn't take too long to explain to her, he wanted to be in a comfortable position to do so...just in case he ran his mouth and spoke too much, which was often the case for him. "Alright, well...the pack has mostly kept to itself since our move here. Haven't had much contact with the packs in Boreas, but perhaps that'll change. Haven't decided yet. With the packs potential reputation of raiding others, who knows if other packs would even want to be allies. Although I would think future raids would also be Or sport. Though considering the last one, it got out of hand pretty fast." He frowned a bit as he recalled Talis' first raid. A lot had been put on the table, but his warriors had fought fiercely, and had fought well.

"I like to think Talis is a more...warrior based pack. But there are ranks for all interests. Fighting, hunting, healing, scouts, bounty hunters even. As more wolves figure out what they want, then there's always room for more, like crafting and trading. But as of now, there are no such ranks because, well...nobody has expressed interest in that yet. We strive to be the best we can be, and if you work hard, keep up your duties, attend training and show initiative, then you'll more than likely rise up in the ranks. I like to see a lot of action, and I like to think I'm not too hard to please." He looked at Kimahri, pondering what else to say next. There was a lot Talis had to offer, and alot he was willing to work on with his members. Despite his pride and his hard headedness, he was always willing to help out where he could and contribute just as much as he expected his pack members to contribute.

He looked at her, wondering what she thought from what he told her so far. "Talis also has a structure based on respect. Respect those in the same tiered ranks and above, and respect those below you. Even prisoners and the like, but I guess if someone is that far down then they obviously did something to lose all that respect, right? So in a nutshell, work hard, show initiative, and work together for the betterment of the pack, even if there's someone who gets on your nerves. So with that being said, is there a certain field of interest that you'd like to pursue?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.