
It is not Just Beauty in this Dimension [Amon]



5 Years
Dire wolf

12-12-2017, 08:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 08:56 AM by Amon.)

Amon rose with the sun and roamed long into the night, occupied entirely with the task of setting up his pack. Soon it would be time for him and perhaps several other envoys to range out to the other packs and announce themselves. He needed to control the flow of information about them, or the difficulty of their task would increase tenfold. Amon wouldn't leave until he was confident in the structure he would be leaving behind him, even if it was only for a short while. Hearing the call of one of his wayward children derailed him entirely, and Amon quirked his head towards the call, deciding on it's precise direction. He turned towards it and took up into a lope.

Upon arriving he found himself quite pleased with what he saw, at least on a purely visual level. His son had lost every vestige of pup-like appearance. He towered alongside Amon, having grown into every inch his heritage afforded him. Of course, despite all of this, Archon's actions in the past year were yet to be made known, and this was what Amon was most concerned with. "Archon," Amon began with a pleasant smile. He would allow a bit of pride to leach into his gaze. "You look well." Amon sat and swept his tail around to his side, getting comfortable. "I'm glad to see you've returned. I hope your travels provided what insight and experience you sought? I'm sure Gaios and Aaliyah will be delighted to hear all about it." As would he of course, but Amon felt this was implied through his level, questioning gaze. He was pleased to see his son, but a warm welcome would hinge upon what the male had accomplished in his absence.

After all, he was an Abraxas. There were expectations to uphold.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!