
Let's adventure!


07-03-2013, 07:49 PM

She didn't completely understand the words the came from their mouths, confusion was evident on her features as her brow furrowed and she studied them curiously. What were they saying? But finally the female turned to look at her, introducing herself as Misty, or Mist... Vaguely Kangi wondered what her name meant, or if it had any meaning at all. Prospero's name hadn't meant anything apparently, maybe not everyone's name had to have a meaning? It was so foreign to her though that it took her a moment to tear her eyes away from the female as the male spoke. Unlike his sister he caught the words that slipped from her tongue about his limb. But she didn't elaborate, unsure of how to. But his next words she recognized and she hopped around excitedly. "Pleasure" she chirped happily, tail seeming to turn into a blur behind her. Next he introduced himself and motioned to his sister. She recognized the term. Prospero had asked her if she had had any sisters or brothers. But no, she had been an only child...

Mom and dad? What was a dad? Neck seemed to unhinge as skull tipped to what appeared to be an unnatural angle. "Dad?" she questioned, sincere confusion evident on her young features. "Mom gone..." she said simply, not daring to elaborate. She had told Prospero the story the best she could and he had cried for her... She didn't want these guys to cry... "Where you mom and dad?" she asked, conscious that her speech was broken and hard to understand but far better then what it had been when she had first met Prospero and Orion. Maybe one day she would be able to communicate properly with them...
