
happy endings are the hardest to fake,



7 Years
Extra large
12-13-2017, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:41 AM by Torin.)

She was falling! Oh God! He felt his stomach drop out even as she started to plummet. Then his jaw snapped around flesh and with a grunt he pulled back, his eyes screwing shut as he scrambled to retreat. It felt like a lifetime before he finally made some headway. The pair finally managed to get her back on solid ground and Torin released her, collapsing onto his haunches he took a moment to catch his breath. His attention was pulled back up to the unknown woman as she spoke. Still panting the only response she would get would be a quick shake of his head.

The man ran his gaze over her form, she looked bedraggled, more than one might reasonably expect even from a near death experience. She was underfed that much he could tell and to say her pelt was unkempt would have been an understatement. He was about to suggest he find her a meal when he noticed her wavering, her gaze starting to glaze over.

"Hey, Hey!" He rose to his paws, panic once more setting in. He knew if she collapsed now, he’d likely not be able to drag her very far and certainly not safely with the ground under his paws likely to collapse; he also knew she couldn’t be left out here in the snow and the wind. So he did the only thing he could. "I need you to try to stay awake okay?" His baritone was kind but not soft, he needed her awake not lulled into sleep. He moved to stand right next to her, pressing his shoulder to her side to support her weight. He also hoped to share some of his body heat, she was undoubtedly cold.

"Look we can get you a meal and a place to rest but I’m going to need you to help me alright?" He spoke again, trying to get her to meet his gaze. Ideally he’d like to take her all the way to Lirim, he knew she could be looked after there but he doubted she’d make the trek, at least not on an empty stomach. Maybe once she was fed, but they’d cross that bridge when they got to it.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts