
we must hide our love


07-03-2013, 08:15 PM

The red woman lay herself easily beside the hot springs, head tipped down and eyes closed as she breathed in the sweet sulfuric scent. So much like home, such a reminder of her childhood it was almost painful. All she wanted in life was something solid, something tangible and easy. She thought she had had that when Morphine had come to rule but everything had fallen to crap when Kaien had given his life because he was just that worthless. Then Morphine had pissed off Desdemona and been banished and everything had fallen apart. Vi had agreed to remain in Tortuga to spy but that had backfired as well after she had been stripped of her rank and thrown to the dogs to fight for it back. She was tired, tired of fighting, tired of it all and before even her 4th birthday. So this day she had left the mountain she hated so and had followed her nose to this place. This lovely place that reminded her so much of the caves that she had been raised in. Fur clung to her lithe, lean form, damp from the steam rising from the pool before her and the ones in the area as well. What would make this better? A visit from her queen... Head would tip back, sweet sound calling to Morphine easily. She didn't know if the white woman would be around to hear it but if she was Vi hoped she would maybe join her for a dip, for a chat or whatever. She just wanted to be around the white goddess she had come to care for so deeply.