
Blood in the Water - Sparrow and abaven wolves!



10 Years
12-13-2017, 11:44 PM

It was impossible to be entirely happy at the moment, with the weight of the world seemingly hanging over her like a dark cloud that left her black markings seeming very pale by comparison. Worry furrowed her brows and left creases on her forehead. She'd realized she wasn't entirely certain how she'd go about describing the details when they got to them, but, it was easier to take things one step at a time.

Cae wished she could feel more relieved when the Alpha arrived on the scene, but instead there was mostly just urgency welling up within her, making it impossible to relax even in this relatively safe environment. Eyeing the woman with a hesitant gratefulness, Caelum nudged her daughter to an area with shallow snow so she could pad around without sinking or getting stuck entirely, though for now the child was content to stand near her mothers legs and stare at the brown and white woman who had appeared. When the man returned with the food Caelum pushed her daughter towards the food. Caelestis didn't need much encouragement to dig in, meanwhile Caelum dipped her head to both of these Abaven wolves, "Thank you so much. I'm indebted to you." Once the little brown pup had finished chowing down and was comfortably settled at Caelum's side, still looking at these strange wolves curiously yet remaining silent. Normally she was bright and bubbly, though Cae figured it was understandable that her daughter was a little weary after what happened.

After Caelum had eaten a bit herself, she found she could breathe a bit easier. Looking at Sparrow, she took in the younger woman's appearance and couldn't stop a bit of a concerned sigh from escaping her. She was tempted to lay down and rest a bit better but if she did that she would have a hard time wanting to stand up and be concerned she couldn't run as quickly if those who had stripped her of her new home were to appear suddenly. Taking a steadying breath Caelum figured it was more than time to offer up an explanation for showing up on their doorstep like this. "Now, in return for your hospitality I'll gladly tell you everything though I feel I owe you a great deal for simply lending your ears, not to mention the food and a moment of peace," she sighed, words heavy with the crushing weight of the information she would soon share, "Sadly I don't know as much as I wish I did, only enough to make me fear for not only myself but my loved ones, and anyone else unfortunate enough to become the focus of these monsters."

There was a pause as Caelum had to collect her thoughts and emotions to prevent them from becoming an overwhelming mess. Life sure seemed bent on kicking her ass, over and over and over. Just when she thought she could live out her days and rest her aching bones while raising a child... "You see, I still have no idea who they are. I know that I smelled more scents than I am comfortable with on my way out, so they are not just a few creatures that can be easily ignored." if only there were just a couple monstrous beasts instead, it would be easier for them to be taken down when they messed with a larger or more formidable pack in the future. "You see, I was taking my daughter out to explore more of the territory when they arrived. We'd been on our way back when a howl could be hear that was summoning out alpha. Not long after, he warned us of danger. I haven't a clue what was said when he met the intruders, my god their scents were all over the territory, they just waltzed on in... But, whatever happened, Ganta wanted to warn us to run if we could. My companion, a little bird who's probably around here somewhere, let me know that someone was challenging for the pack. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen before though. When we were walking back to my den where my mate was waiting, I heard voices. I hid Caelestis and went to investigate since they were so close to an old den of ours, as well as the new one we occupied until this incident. Taking a deep breath, Caelum could feel herself getting worked up and forced the emotion out of her voice. Blinking back the tears that wanted to ruin her composure, the woman held her head high and forced her words not to waver.

"There was a man at the den entrance, likely as large as wolves are capable of growing. He spoke and acted positively mad, and the words he used... It was more than clear that he was looking for a child. Whether it was mine he intended to go after of the alpha pair's son is of little consequence. He charged me and I'd probably not be here if it hadn't been for one of my pack-mates charging in to save my hide." Shuddering, Caelum's eyes dropped to the ground, paws shuffling on the snow-covered ground. "I don't know yet what fate our alpha met, but I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't anything good." Looking at Caelestis, she frowned and couldn't help but whisper, "We had to leave her father, he could still be there..."

[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]