
Talk enough sense and you'll lose your mind



7 Years
Extra large
12-14-2017, 02:05 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:44 AM by Torin.)


There was movement behind him and he once more glanced back to see Jendayi emerging from the makeshift den, he nodded at the rabbit, indicating she was free to tuck in. His own nagging hunger could be dealt with shortly, once he'd set the matter of what she was going to do to rest. One way or another he was going to need to hunt for himself before he returned to the pack. She thanked him as she settled and he shook his head, the second time he'd shaken off her thanks. "Couldn't exactly leave you there." He rumbled, his deep voice careful and measured, a notable shift from his more frantic urging earlier. This was more who he was, when the adrenaline wore off and all he was left with was his introversion.

He found he couldn't meet the woman's gaze, finding her comment sat uncomfortably with him. He wasn't someone who ran around saving wolves but he also was incapable of leaving someone clearly in need without at least giving it his best shot. He realized in this case it could have just as easily cost his own life, what if he hadn't been strong enough to pull her up? He settled his gaze on the bedraggled flower tucked into her fur and despite himself a rumbling sardonic chuckle pulled from his lips.

Torin realized he needed to either get to his point or he'd probably find the woman leaving before he even had a chance to propose anything. "I'm uh- I'm the heir to a pack further south of here, to the west. The desert from earlier." The awkwardness he felt about talking about himself to a stranger was obvious on his face, his ears twitching back slightly and his gaze now firmly rooted on his paws. "We have um, a temporary rank for travelers or injured wolves to use when they need a place to rest for a bit. I was ah- I was wondering if you might consider coming back with me. There'd be no pressure to stay if you didn't want to and it'd mean getting out of the harsh climate and steady meals, even if just for a little bit..." he trailed off, feeling the warmth of blood rushing to his face. He must look like such a fool.

All things considered it seemed unlikely and Torin hated his own inability to properly communicate with others, he was sure his mother would have had just the right words to sooth the woman into seeing the sense in the option, Rory might have even been able to convince her on pure charm alone and Frostbite surly would have been able to use his wisdom to help, but Torin? Well Torin had none of that, he was a solitary wolf thrust into a world of social creatures and forced to try an adapt to their loudness when all he wanted was to be left alone to think in peace.

Right this very moment he felt very certain that his brother had made the right choice in making Frost his second in command. Torin clearly wasn't cut out for this.

Original Coding by Shelby